Dana 14. 10. 2015. 16:20 osoba "Nicolas George" <geo...@nsup.org> napisala
> Le primidi 11 vendémiaire, an CCXXIV, Paul B Mahol a écrit :
> > >>Ah! So, in other words, it takes input frames, totally disregads their
> > >>pts/dts, and puts each one into a cfr output stream at the given fps?
> > >>
> > >>That solves a lot of problems and ridiculous math. :-) I will try it.
> > > Can't this be accomplished by the setpts filter?
> > setpts filter doesnt change framerate, so generally no.
> Are you sure? It seems to be exactly one of the setpts examples:
>        ·   Set fixed rate of 25 frames per second:
>                    setpts=N/(25*TB)
> Regards,
> --
>   Nicolas George

This changes pts but framerate remains same.
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