Le decadi 20 messidor, an CCXXIII, Marton Balint a écrit :
> I'd still use the metadata directive. If someone needs per-stream, or
> per-packet metadata, he can implement selector directives for that. Like
> metadata_stream or metadata_interval which will change the scope of the
> following metadata directives.
> How about that?

I am still uneasy about that. Selectors feel like making the parser more
complex, and also there is the issue of self-documentation.

When someone reads a concat script and see "metadata foo=bar", unless they
already know exactly the directive, they will take a guess at what it does,
and since packet metadata is rare, especially packet metadata that is
duplicated over all the packets, they will probably not guess right.

I really think a more specific name would be useful.

This is an usability issue, though, so my role as maintainer is not very
important: let us ear advice from other people.


  Nicolas George

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