On Wed, 8 Jul 2015, Nicolas George wrote:

Le nonidi 19 messidor, an CCXXIII, Marton Balint a écrit :
Actually I have one more patch I have not yet sent to the list, which adds
support to select frames by metadata to the select filters.

With that, you can cut frame accurately from XDCAM HD files if you overshoot
outpoint a bit and store the useful timecodes in the packet metadata:

ffconcat version 1.0
file 'XDCAMHD.mxf'
in 01:04.00
out  01:05.12
metadata select.from=0
metadata select.until=0.96
duration 1
file 'XDCAMHD.mxf'
in 01:06.00
out  01:07.12
duration 1
metadata select.from=1
metadata select.until=1.96

./ffmpeg -copyts -vsync 0 -i test.concat
-vf "select='between(t,meta(0),meta(1)):meta_keys=select.from|select.until'"

Interesting. I suppose at some point some kind of "edltrim" filter would be
nice, avoiding the need for a formula in the filters, but as is it does the

One issue I had not thought of in my previous mail: per-packet metadata is
unusual (so much so it uses side data instead of a field), so maybe the name
of the directive should reflect that, so that just "metadata" would be
available for per-stream or per-file metadata. I have no really good name
for it, though: "all_packets_metadata" is all that comes to mind.

I'd still use the metadata directive. If someone needs per-stream, or per-packet metadata, he can implement selector directives for that. Like metadata_stream or metadata_interval which will change the scope of the following metadata directives.

How about that?

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