Thilo Borgmann via ffmpeg-devel <> 于2023年11月1日周三 08:04写道:

> > it would just show up once lets say on a specific day 1 year after the code
> > is added. we would remove it on that day ourselfs.
> > It would just be a simple one time shown message that says
> > "Decoded by / Please donate, if you enjoy"
> Just my two cents and I admit I only flew over the last few mails.
> Some visual output into the decoded streams or things alike (IIUC) should be a
> nogo. Immediate memories about bad pirated movies comes to mind... so if this 
> is
> the idea, we should really not do this, especially not (IIUC) if it would 
> occur
> pseudo-randomly based on some time constraint.
Agreed, i think show message about donation above or after banner is a
good idea looks like vim.
“ Help poor children in Uganda!” => “ Help poor developers in FFmpeg!”

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