On Sat, Oct 28, 2023 at 10:17:50PM +0100, Kieran Kunhya wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Oct 2023 at 18:21, Michael Niedermayer <mich...@niedermayer.cc>
> wrote:
> > Hi ronald
> >
> > On Sat, Oct 28, 2023 at 12:43:15PM -0400, Ronald S. Bultje wrote:
> > > Hi Thilo,
> > >
> > > On Sat, Oct 28, 2023 at 11:31 AM Thilo Borgmann via ffmpeg-devel <
> > > ffmpeg-devel@ffmpeg.org> wrote:
> > >
> > > > What this is about, is to set up a way to properly spend the SPI money
> > > > aside
> > > > from travel & hw. Why we should not do it because some companies
> > > > beurocracy, I
> > > > cannot see.
> > > >
> > >
> > > I sincerely don't think the above description is what Kieran meant when
> > he
> > > talked about sustainability at Demuxed, which this thread seems to be a
> > > response to.
> >
> > a quick reply here. I have not watched kierans presentation from demuxed
> > yet.
> > So theres absolutly no chance anything i wrote till now can be a respone to
> > it.
> >
> For the record, I gave the Demuxed lightning talk on Wednesday 25th October
> at 1400 PST (2100 UTC).
> The first email in this chain was on Thursday 26th October at 1845 EEST
> (1545 UTC).

We should make a more complete timeline and then do proper statistics to
analyze it :)
Iam not offended by this, if people want to investigate where similarities
came from. in fact i still didnt listen to the talk (but i will once i find the 

what similarities do you see ? is it just the word sustainability and the
general subject ? or more ?
Also giving 100 people the problem of financial sustainability for FFmpeg
how many different solutions do you expect ?
I found 4 (legal) ones and this was the first (which is why it says "A" in
the subject.
I did reject several probably illegal ideas like ICOs ...

The word sustainability is quite rare it occured only 4 times on ffmpeg IRC
3 of these are a week before my mail and a few days before my SWS cleanup
mail. And maybe also on VDD, i dont remember.
What i do remember is that roanld mentioned sustainability,
"no longer crashing with our parents. some of us have kids" on okt 11th
on IRC privatly to me
i have the log still and can post the line if ronald agrees

appendix A
searching for sustainability on IRC:

FreeNode-#ffmpeg-devel.log:Jun 11 18:41:28 <Daemon404>  About: Archive - Cloud 
- Formats - sustainability - Outsourcing
about? or is it about spending SPI money that we have (which is what thilo 
seems to imply) and then maybe see if we can get more, although that's not the 
primary goal? or some mix of the two?
libera.chat-#ffmpeg-devel.log:Okt 09 23:12:59 <BBB>     that comment on 
daemon404's sustainability linkedin post misses the point a bit ?
libera.chat-#ffmpeg-devel.log:Okt 10 03:00:47 <BBB>     durandal_1707: it jumps 
from (ffmpeg/videolan dev) sustainability to storage, av1, routing and hardware 
dev. I don't follow that jump, I guess
libera.chat-#ffmpeg-devel.log:Okt 10 03:18:10 <kierank> BBB: I think confusion 
over the word sustainability

appendix B
the SWS cleanup mail
"1013 21:19 To FFmpeg devel (2,3K) [FFmpeg-devel] SWS cleanup / SPI Funding 
This also had some replies that inspired some parts


Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

Homeopathy is like voting while filling the ballot out with transparent ink.
Sometimes the outcome one wanted occurs. Rarely its worse than filling out
a ballot properly.

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