Sorry, I forgot to add that I patched loader/win32.c and also, I added
G729DecoderDMO.dll to /home/fernando/codecs32.

On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 4:58 PM, Fernandon Bautista <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I did what you proposed to me(thanks Compn!) but it did not work. I
> downloaded the mplayer source and I compiled it following the instructions
> here:
> ./configure --enable-cross-compile --target=i686-linux
> --prefix=/home/fernando/mplayer32 --codecsdir=/home/fernando/codecs32
> The contents of /home/fernando/codecs32:
> $ ls /home/fernando/codecs32
>          BeHereiVideo.qtx  DECVW_32.DLL  ir41_32.dll
> LCODCCMW2E.dll  msh261.drv    qtmlClient.dll               rt32dcmp.dll
> VDODEC32.dll      vssh264dec.dll  wma9dmod.dll  wmvadvd.dll
> alf2cd.acm           CLRVIDDC.DLL       ir50_32.dll
> lhacm.acm       msms001.vwp   QuickTimeEssentials.qtx
> vdowave.drv   vp4vfw.dll       vssh264.dll     wmadmod.dll   wmvdmod.dll
> aslcodec_dshow.dll   clrviddd.dll   ivvideo.dll
> lsvxdec.dll   QuickTimeInternetExtras.qtx
> vid_3ivX.xa   vp6vfw.dll       vsshdsd.dll     wmsdmod.dll   wnvwinx.dll
> ATL90.DLL      jp2avi.dll
> m3jp2k32.dll    nsrt2432.acm  QuickTime.qts      
> ViVD2.dll     vp7vfw.dll       vsslight.dll    wmspdmod.dll  wvc1dmod.dll
> AvidQTAVUICodec.qtx  CtWbJpg.DLL       icmw_32.dll   LCMW2.dll
> mi-sc4.acm      qpeg32.dll    README                       tvqdec.dll
> vivog723.acm  vssh264core.dll  vsswlt.dll      wmv9dmod.dll  xanlib.dll
> Part of the output of configure(make and make install worked):
>   Enabled optional drivers:
>     Input: dvdnav(internal) ftp pvr tv-v4l2 tv libdvdcss(internal)
> dvdread(internal) vcd dvb networking
>     Codecs: ffmpeg(internal) qtx real xanim win32 libmpeg2(internal)
> mp3lib(internal) tremor(internal)
>     Audio output: oss v4l2 mpegpes(dvb)
>     Video output: v4l2 pnm mpegpes(dvb) fbdev cvidix yuv4mpeg md5sum tga
>   Disabled optional drivers:
>     Input: vstream radio tv-v4l1 tv-dshow librtmp live555 nemesi cddb cdda
> bluray smb
>     Codecs: libvpx libschroedinger libdirac x264 xvid crystalhd libdv
> libopencore_amrwb libopencore_amrnb faad2 faac musepack libdca liba52
> mpg123 libtheora libgsm speex toolame twolame libmad liblzo gif OpenJPEG
>     Audio output: sun alsa openal jack pulse nas esd arts ivtv dxr2 sdl
>     Video output: zr zr2 ivtv dxr3 dxr2 matrixview opengl sdl vesa gif89a
> jpeg mng svga caca aa ggi xvidix winvidix 3dfx xmga dga vdpau xvmc xv x11
> directfb dfbmga bl xvr100 tdfx_vid wii s3fb tdfxfb mga
> I tested windows codecs with a video:
> ~/mplayer32/bin$ ./mplayer
> ../../Blaze_test1_WMV-WMV9MP_CBR_320x240_AR4to3_15fps_512kbps_WMA9.2L2_32kbps_44100Hz_Mono.wmv
> -ao null
> MPlayer 1.1-4.6 (C) 2000-2012 MPlayer Team
> Playing
> ../../Blaze_test1_WMV-WMV9MP_CBR_320x240_AR4to3_15fps_512kbps_WMA9.2L2_32kbps_44100Hz_Mono.wmv.
> libavformat version 54.6.100 (internal)
> ASF file format detected.
> [asfheader] Audio stream found, -aid 1
> [asfheader] Video stream found, -vid 2
> VIDEO:  [WMV3]  320x240  24bpp  1000.000 fps  512.0 kbps (62.5 kbyte/s)
> Load subtitles in ../../
> Can't open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory
> [fbdev2] Can't open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory
> VO: [v4l2] No such file or directory
> vo_cvidix: No vidix driver name provided, probing available ones (-v
> option for details)!
> [cyberblade] Error occurred during pci scan: Operation not permitted
> [mach64] Error occurred during pci scan: Operation not permitted
> [mga] Error occurred during pci scan: Operation not permitted
> [mga] Error occurred during pci scan: Operation not permitted
> [nvidia_vid] Error occurred during pci scan: Operation not permitted
> [pm3] Error occurred during pci scan: Operation not permitted
> [radeon] Error occurred during pci scan: Operation not permitted
> [rage128] Error occurred during pci scan: Operation not permitted
> [s3_vid] Error occurred during pci scan: Operation not permitted
> [SiS] Error occurred during pci scan: Operation not permitted
> [unichrome] Error occurred during pci scan: Operation not permitted
> [VO_SUB_VIDIX] Couldn't find working VIDIX driver.
> ==========================================================================
> Opening video decoder: [dmo] DMO video codecs
> Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: /home/fernando/codecs32/KERNEL32.dll
> Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: /home/fernando/codecs32/KERNEL32.dll
> Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: /home/fernando/codecs32/KERNEL32.dll
> Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: /home/fernando/codecs32/msvcrt.dll
> Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: /home/fernando/codecs32/msvcrt.dll
> Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: /home/fernando/codecs32/msvcrt.dll
> Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: /home/fernando/codecs32/msvcrt.dll
> Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: /home/fernando/codecs32/msvcrt.dll
> Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: /home/fernando/codecs32/msvcrt.dll
> Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: /home/fernando/codecs32/msvcrt.dll
> Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: /home/fernando/codecs32/msvcrt.dll
> Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: /home/fernando/codecs32/ADVAPI32.dll
> Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: /home/fernando/codecs32/ADVAPI32.dll
> Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: /home/fernando/codecs32/SHLWAPI.dll
> Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: /home/fernando/codecs32/msdmo.dll
> Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: /home/fernando/codecs32/msdmo.dll
> Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: /home/fernando/codecs32/kernel32.dll
> Creating new registry
> DMO dll supports VO Optimizations 0 1
> DMO dll might use previous sample when requested
> Decoder supports the following formats: YV12 YUY2 UYVY YVYU RGB8 RGB555
> RGB565 RGB24 RGB32
> Decoder is capable of YUV output (flags 0x1b)
> Movie-Aspect is undefined - no prescaling applied.
> VO: [null] 320x240 => 320x240 Planar YV12
> Selected video codec: [wmv9dmo] vfm: dmo (Windows Media Video 9 DMO)
> ==========================================================================
> ==========================================================================
> Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
> libavcodec version 54.23.100 (internal)
> AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 1 ch, s16le, 32.0 kbit/4.54% (ratio: 4003->88200)
> Selected audio codec: [ffwmav2] afm: ffmpeg (DivX audio v2 (FFmpeg))
> ==========================================================================
> AO: [null] 44100Hz 1ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
> Starting playback...
> A:  22.6 V:  22.9 A-V: -0.223 ct: -0.077 299/299  2%  0%  0.0% 0 0
> Exiting... (End of file)
> Finally, I tried with test.wav:
> :~/mplayer32/bin$ ./mplayer ../../test.wav -ao null
> MPlayer 1.1-4.6 (C) 2000-2012 MPlayer Team
> Playing ../../test.wav.
> libavformat version 54.6.100 (internal)
> libavformat file format detected.
> [wav @ 0x8a6ac60]Could not find codec parameters (Audio: none
> ([131][0][0][0] / 0x0083), 8000 Hz, 2 channels, 16 kb/s)
> LAVF_header: av_find_stream_info() failed
> Exiting... (End of file)
> And as you see, it does not work. Any help or suggestion?
> Thanks.
> On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 5:58 PM, compn <> wrote:
>> On Thu, 14 May 2015 10:31:37 +0200
>> Fernandon Bautista <> wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> > thanks for your support :) I have been reading the posts and well ...
>> > we need the codec for linux not windows. Mi question is: have you
>> i posted a quick dirty patch to make the codec work in mplayer on linux:
>> you have to put ATL90.DLL in /usr/local/lib/codecs
>> then you can use mplayer -ao pcm to convert the g729 audio files to wav.
>> let me know if that solves your problem.
>> i dont know if anyone is working on your codec in ffmpeg. sometimes it
>> takes only a few days, other times support for new files can take
>> months (or years) depending on the complexity of the codec and
>> availability of specifications or open source libs. not to mention the
>> free time of a developer.
>> -compn
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