On Thu, 14 May 2015 10:31:37 +0200
Fernandon Bautista <fernandobautista...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> thanks for your support :) I have been reading the posts and well ...
> we need the codec for linux not windows. Mi question is: have you

i posted a quick dirty patch to make the codec work in mplayer on linux:

you have to put ATL90.DLL in /usr/local/lib/codecs

then you can use mplayer -ao pcm to convert the g729 audio files to wav.
let me know if that solves your problem.

i dont know if anyone is working on your codec in ffmpeg. sometimes it
takes only a few days, other times support for new files can take
months (or years) depending on the complexity of the codec and
availability of specifications or open source libs. not to mention the
free time of a developer.

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