compn <tempn <at>> writes:

> i just proved it worked on winxp from 2004 to 
> jan 2015 (r37368).

And as said, this is a completely useless proof 
because a user will only test current MPlayer 
(not ancient versions).

(Note that you of course only proved that it 
works with two versions, one from 2004 and one 
from January, but this is not my point.)

> if its a regression that it crashes in latest mplayer, 
> not my fault :) wheres the crash for you? gdb bt? 
> using 32bit mplayer?

Sorry for the misunderstanding:
I don't care that it crashes on Linux but works on 
Windows (with an old MPlayer binary).

The issue is that it doesn't work at all (it does 
not crash but does not call the binary decoder) with 
current MPlayer, ie that you committed a patch that 
you did not test (and that does not work).

Carl Eugen

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