
> BTW, I can't crack it for the moment.
>>> OK so this isn't going to be quite so neat. You need to add a line:
>>>     ^RCPT from [^[]*\[<HOST>\]%(_port)s:? 550 5\.5\.1 Protocol error;
>>> to the mdre-normal section. Generally the recommended way is to create a
>>> postfix.local file, but this would need to contain:
>> This got mangled by gmail, but I was able to copy the postfix.conf to
>> postfix.local and make it somewhat resemble what you pasted, and it appears
>> to work.
> Actually, it works with fail2ban-regex but isn't catching them from the
> live logs.

Fixed it. It turned out that even though syslog_mail in paths-fedora.conf
was pointing to the proper maillog, it apparently wasn't being considered
by the postfix.conf filter. I had to add logpath to my jail.conf:

filter = postfix
maxretry = 1
bantime = 48h
enabled = true
mode    = normal
logpath = %(syslog_mail)s
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