
Finally able to get back to this....

On Sat, Jun 1, 2024 at 4:30 AM Nick Howitt via Fail2ban-users <
fail2ban-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:

> On 01/06/2024 00:59, Alex wrote:
> Hi,
>> > Ideally, I'd like to not have to modify that regexp and be able to
>> > add my own, much like what appears to be happening with mdre-errors.
>> You don't have to. Append your own rules in a new line and test your
>> changed rule file with
>>         fail2ban-regex /log/file postfix
>> and it should reply with text output like
> Yes, I understand that - I suppose it's the actual details of doing that
> which I don't understand.
> What's the difference between the pr and re rules? For example:
> mdpr-errors = too many errors after \S+
> mdre-errors = ^from [^[]*\[<HOST>\]%(_port)s$
> I'm assuming the re version is the regexp necessary just to capture the IP?
> So to add a new rule, I would simply copy this format with a new name,
> like:
> mdpr-proto = Protocol error;
> mdre-proto = ^from [^[]*\[<HOST>\]%(_port)s$
> (One thing i never fixed was this: After editing my filter file,
>> previously working regexes started failing, e. g. they didn't match
>> any more - despite being unmodified.)
> Did you change the mode to no longer include those other regexes?
> mode = errors
> Or specific in the jail.conf?
> [postfix]
> filter = postfix[mode=aggressive]
> maxretry = 1
> bantime = 48h
> enabled = true
> Thanks,
> Alex
> I find the postfix filters really hard to follow, but as far as I can see,
> if you go down your route, you then need to activate your protocol filters
> by building them into something like mdpr-extra/mdre-extra or have another
> jail just calling "mode=proto".
> Now, mdre-proto is already part of mdre-normal which seems to be called by
> every filter so could be unnecessary. You could add a new line to
> mdpr-normal if you wanted and your filter would work with "mode = more", or
> you could adjust the mdpr-normal directly. Note that to do an override, you
> generally leave the filter.d/postfix.conf alone and create a
> filter.d/postfix.local. In it you could put:
> [Definition]
> mdpr-normal = (?:\w+: reject:|(?:improper command pipelining|too many
> errors) after \S+)
>               Protocol error;

Adding the above did not work. Before I create a new filter that only
processes these events, do you have any other ideas on what I should do?

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