
> > Ideally, I'd like to not have to modify that regexp and be able to
> > add my own, much like what appears to be happening with mdre-errors.
> You don't have to. Append your own rules in a new line and test your
> changed rule file with
>         fail2ban-regex /log/file postfix
> and it should reply with text output like

Yes, I understand that - I suppose it's the actual details of doing that
which I don't understand.

What's the difference between the pr and re rules? For example:

mdpr-errors = too many errors after \S+
mdre-errors = ^from [^[]*\[<HOST>\]%(_port)s$

I'm assuming the re version is the regexp necessary just to capture the IP?

So to add a new rule, I would simply copy this format with a new name, like:

mdpr-proto = Protocol error;
mdre-proto = ^from [^[]*\[<HOST>\]%(_port)s$

(One thing i never fixed was this: After editing my filter file,
> previously working regexes started failing, e. g. they didn't match
> any more - despite being unmodified.)

Did you change the mode to no longer include those other regexes?
mode = errors

Or specific in the jail.conf?

filter = postfix[mode=aggressive]
maxretry = 1
bantime = 48h
enabled = true

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