Am 23.12.24 um 11:57 schrieb Jeremy Harris via Exim-users:

Hmm.  I have "" mentally flagged as a poor-quality communicant.  It's
not unlikely that it's going unresponsive, and this exim process is waiting
on it.  Presumably systemd is waiting on the entire process group, having
successfully killed the group parent (the daemon).  Can it be told to not
do that?
The Debian 12 backports (4.98) exim4 systemd unit has no "ExecStop=" set. This 
that "If no ExecStop= commands are specified, the service gets the SIGTERM 

I could now experiment with the two million (give or take) systemd options for 
killsignals, watchdogs and so on but I'd rather not as this is a production 
system. I think
I'll revert to the Debian Exim 4.96 and will investigate this on our staging 

The problem is that this only occurs on a system with high traffic which would 
indeed suggest,
that there might be a hanging connection.

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