Am 23.12.24 um 11:17 schrieb Jeremy Harris via Exim-users:

I'd be tending to blame systemd, also.  What has it started doing differently?

Debian 11 worked fine without any problems. The problems started with Debian 12
and the backported version. It is obvious that the systemd files changed and now
the old init script is not used anymore. It "feels" like a timeout and systemd 
killing the daemon. But I have no facts to support this at the moment.

Can it be reverted?

This is the next step on the agenda. Going back to Debian 12 Exim 4.96 would 
mean to
reintroduce the Google <-> ARC errors I encountered but having a 100% working 
mail delivery
system is more important.

With regard to the long restart time: if you just "kill -HUP"
the PID of the exim daemon, watching the log, how long is it
before the new deamon is reported as running?

SIGHUP works immediately.
Does the systemd config support a "reload" operation? How long
does that take?

Same as the SIGHUP.
Presumably a "restart" is doing a "stop" first, so it's the
time there that matters.  What does "exiwhat" report during
that time period?

It took two minutes to restart and exiwhat only showed this in the meantime (I 
the exiwhat several times):

$: exiwhat
2700875 handling TLS incoming connection from 

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: Kryptografische S/MIME-Signatur

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