On Wed, 2022-01-26 at 11:31 -0500, Bridger Dyson-Smith wrote:
> $ EWS_DEBUGGING=2 evolution &> evolution-20220124-debug.txt

there's a typo, it's EWS_DEBUG, not EWS_DEBUGGING, but do not bother
with that, as you figured how to get the folders back. Except it would
be still interesting to know why it did not pair the Deleted Items with
the real trash folder. To do that, you might delete the folder-tree
file again and then run evolution with the debugging on. Again, be
careful, it contains a lot of private information, even encoded, thus
not "visible" by a human on the first look, but can be seen and decoded
by the machines. More about that in my previous email in this thread.

> (evolution:15913): camel-WARNING **: 11:23:59.774:
> CamelVeeStore::get_trash_folder_sync() reported failure without
> setting its GError

I guess from this that the Deleted Items is not a real trash folder, it
may have a regular folder icon, right?

> (evolution:17093): evolution-ews-WARNING **: 11:28:01.820:
> /wrkdirs/usr/ports/mail/evolution-ews/work/evolution-ews-
> 3.42.3/src/EWS/common/e-ews-notification.c:411: Id must be non-empty.

If I understand it correctly, then the folders are shown, but they are
not properly setup for some reason. Every EWS folder has its ID. The
notifications corresponds to the "Listen for server change
notifications" option in the Mail account Properties.

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