Milan -
I thank you so much for your help. Apologies for the slow responses - a
combination of WFH and life has kept me away from this particular problem
for many days.

Based on your comments, I've had some better results with generating the
folder names, but no success being able to expunge emails from the 'Deleted
Items' directory (and I appreciate you clarifying the nomenclature there!).

On Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 3:20 AM Milan Crha via evolution-list <> wrote:

> On Fri, 2022-01-14 at 10:08 -0500, Bridger Dyson-Smith wrote:
> > I have quite a bit out of output from that command (~630MB). Is it
> > possible to give some direction regarding things from this log that
> > might be worth sharing?
>         Hi,
> I suggest to re-run with logging, to avoid such large log (especially
> if you gathered it after clearing up the local cache for the account).
> Sadly, I've tried that, and the output seems less than helpful. Running
the following:
$ EWS_DEBUGGING=2 evolution &> evolution-20220124-debug.txt

gives the following output, with almost no variation:
(evolution:1406): evolution-ews-WARNING **: 10:37:20.823:
Id must be non-empty.

(evolution:1406): camel-CRITICAL **: 10:38:03.199:
camel_utils_sanitize_ascii_domain_in_address: assertion 'email_address !=
NULL' failed

(evolution:1406): camel-CRITICAL **: 10:38:11.261:
camel_utils_sanitize_ascii_domain_in_address: assertion 'email_address !=
NULL' failed

(evolution:1406): camel-CRITICAL **: 10:38:11.261:
camel_utils_sanitize_ascii_domain_in_address: assertion 'email_address !=
NULL' failed

(evolution:1406): camel-CRITICAL **: 10:38:25.386:
camel_utils_sanitize_ascii_domain_in_address: assertion 'email_address !=
NULL' failed

(evolution:1406): camel-CRITICAL **: 10:38:25.420:
camel_utils_sanitize_ascii_domain_in_address: assertion 'email_address !=
NULL' failed

(evolution:1406): camel-CRITICAL **: 10:38:36.422:
camel_utils_sanitize_ascii_domain_in_address: assertion 'email_address !=
NULL' failed

(evolution:1406): camel-CRITICAL **: 10:38:36.441:
camel_utils_sanitize_ascii_domain_in_address: assertion 'email_address !=
NULL' failed

(evolution:1406): camel-CRITICAL **: 10:38:51.745:
camel_utils_sanitize_ascii_domain_in_address: assertion 'email_address !=
NULL' failed

(evolution:1406): camel-CRITICAL **: 10:38:51.765:
camel_utils_sanitize_ascii_domain_in_address: assertion 'email_address !=
NULL' failed

(evolution:1406): camel-CRITICAL **: 10:39:12.751:
camel_utils_sanitize_ascii_domain_in_address: assertion 'email_address !=
NULL' failed

> my Trash folder is not recognized as the Trash folder, despite the
> > special icon, as the right click/contextual click doesn't have the
> > option to "Empty Trash".
> Just in case, while I use 'Trash' folder name, the Exchange server's
> folder name is 'Deleted Items' (localized to your locale). I'm sorry I
> made it confusing. I see this in my Exchange account:
>    Inbox
>    Archive
>    Conversation History
>    Deleted Items
>    Drafts
>    Junk Email
>    Outbox
>    Sent Items
> The 'Archive' and 'Conversation History' has a regular folder icon, all
> the rest folders there have a special icon, specifically the 'Deleted
> Items' folder has a trash/recycle-bin icon (it depends on the icon
> theme what the icon looks like). There is no folder named 'Trash'.
> You can search in the log for:
>    <DistinguishedFolderId Id="deleteditems"/>
> which is part of a request:
>    messages:GetFolder
> request. The server returns an m:GetFolderResponse response, which
> contains IDs of the respective folders from the request, in the order
> from the request. The 'deleteditems' folders is the third folder in the
> list, right after the 't:ContactsFolder'. It shows for me:
>         <m:GetFolderResponseMessage ResponseClass="Success">
>           <m:ResponseCode>NoError</m:ResponseCode>
>           <m:Folders>
>             <t:Folder>
>               <t:FolderId Id="AQMkAGQx..." ChangeKey="AQAAABY..."/>
>             </t:Folder>
>           </m:Folders>
>         </m:GetFolderResponseMessage>
> The ResponseClass="Success" is the important part of the response.
> I see it does not show up after the first check. It can be restarted
> when the ~/.cache/evolution/mail/<ews-account-uid>/folder-tree file is
> deleted. Then, the next start of the Evolution, the special folders are
> changed again.
> So, getting the folder names fixed up was helped by your suggestion to
remove the ~/.cache/evolution/mail/<ews-acct-uid>/folder-tree`, now my
icons and folder names are displaying correctly (thank you!).

However, the Expunge (Menu > Folder > Expunge), the contextual/right click
'Deleted Items' > Empty Trash, and the Menu > File > Empty Trash are still
not working properly. For the three options, I've tried the following on
the 'Deleted Items' folder:

1.  Folder Menu > Expunge (w/the Deleted Items dir selected) returns "Are
you sure you want to permanently remove all the deleted messages in folder
"Work: Deleted Items"? with a 'Cancel' and 'Expunge'. Selecting 'Expunge'
doesn't do anything - no items are removed from the directory and nothing
is logged.
2. Contextual/right click 'Deleted Items' dir > Empty Trash returns "Are
you sure you want to permanently remove all the deleted messages in folder
"Work: Deleted Items"? with a 'Cancel' and 'Expunge'. Selecting 'Expunge'
doesn't do anything - no items are removed from the directory and nothing
is logged.
3. File Menu > Empty Trash returns "Are you sure you want to permanently
remove all the deleted messages in folder "Work: Deleted Items"? with a
'Cancel' and 'Expunge' and an error: "Error while Emptying trash in "Work".
Could not locate Trash folder" with the following being logged:
(evolution:15913): camel-WARNING **: 11:23:59.774:
CamelVeeStore::get_trash_folder_sync() reported failure without setting its

I've read through the linked conversation in the Gnome evolution-ews, thank
you for that. I'm wondering if my Deleted Items folder is still not
recognized by the FreeBSD evolution-ews install, because I'm unable to
reproduce this on my linux laptop.

One last observation: interestingly, if I manually delete a message in my
Deleted Items folder on the FreeBSD desktop, the message is deleted! but
the changes don't seem to be propagated back to the Exchange server. In the
log, I see:
(evolution:17093): evolution-ews-WARNING **: 11:28:01.820:
Id must be non-empty.

>         Bye,
>         Milan
> Again, thanks for your time helping me get to the bottom of these issues.

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