On Fri, 2022-01-14 at 10:08 -0500, Bridger Dyson-Smith wrote:
> I have quite a bit out of output from that command (~630MB). Is it
> possible to give some direction regarding things from this log that
> might be worth sharing?

I suggest to re-run with logging, to avoid such large log (especially
if you gathered it after clearing up the local cache for the account).

> my Trash folder is not recognized as the Trash folder, despite the
> special icon, as the right click/contextual click doesn't have the
> option to "Empty Trash". 

Just in case, while I use 'Trash' folder name, the Exchange server's
folder name is 'Deleted Items' (localized to your locale). I'm sorry I
made it confusing. I see this in my Exchange account:

   Conversation History
   Deleted Items
   Junk Email
   Sent Items

The 'Archive' and 'Conversation History' has a regular folder icon, all
the rest folders there have a special icon, specifically the 'Deleted
Items' folder has a trash/recycle-bin icon (it depends on the icon
theme what the icon looks like). There is no folder named 'Trash'.

You can search in the log for:

   <DistinguishedFolderId Id="deleteditems"/>

which is part of a request:


request. The server returns an m:GetFolderResponse response, which
contains IDs of the respective folders from the request, in the order
from the request. The 'deleteditems' folders is the third folder in the
list, right after the 't:ContactsFolder'. It shows for me:

        <m:GetFolderResponseMessage ResponseClass="Success">
              <t:FolderId Id="AQMkAGQx..." ChangeKey="AQAAABY..."/>

The ResponseClass="Success" is the important part of the response.

I see it does not show up after the first check. It can be restarted
when the ~/.cache/evolution/mail/<ews-account-uid>/folder-tree file is
deleted. Then, the next start of the Evolution, the special folders are
changed again.


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