
Right now I see lots of people struggling to get the MAPI plugin to
work. Even more problem trying to get it to work with the current
version of Evolution, 2.22.

First of all, isn't it strange that developers use 2.12 and not the
latest version (2.22)? 2.12.0 is so old, released 2007-09-17.

To help with this problem, isn't it possible for the developers to build
packages and have them uploaded to ppa.launchpad.net[1]?

I use a pre-release version of AWN[2] for example and there I have a
ppa repository which I download the latest releases from. Works great!

I don't know if this works with Suse and Fedora but it works with Ubuntu
and Debian at least.

1. https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart
2. https://launchpad.net/awn


Thomas Novin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPG key: http://xyz.pp.se/~thnov/gpg.asc
Cell: +46 730 665423

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