On Thu, 2008-04-17 at 14:20 +0200, Thomas Novin wrote:
> Hello
> Right now I see lots of people struggling to get the MAPI plugin to
> work. Even more problem trying to get it to work with the current
> version of Evolution, 2.22.
> First of all, isn't it strange that developers use 2.12 and not the
> latest version (2.22)? 2.12.0 is so old, released 2007-09-17.

We've moved the development code base to 2.22 a few days back. 

It should be able to build evolution-mapi-provider tarball against any
of the recent versions of evolution.

> To help with this problem, isn't it possible for the developers to build
> packages and have them uploaded to ppa.launchpad.net[1]?

Packages are available in openSUSE build service [0]. I've been
sucessfull in building them for openSUSE 10.3 & Fedora 8 ( Evolution
2.12 ) . 

I would be very happy if somebody is willing to take up resposibility
for building it for Ubuntu / Debian in openSUSE Build service (I'm
familiar with Build Service) or anyother repositories. :) 

> I use a pre-release version of AWN[2] for example and there I have a
> ppa repository which I download the latest releases from. Works great!


Jelmer [1] has debian builds for Samaba4 and libmapi in his apt
repository [2].

I'm sure he would be happy to glad to get the builds for the
evolution-mapi-provider plugin. He hangs out in #evo-mapi @ irc.gimp.org
and #openchange in irc.freenode.net.


[1] http://jelmer.vernstok.nl/blog/

[2] http://samba.org/~jelmer/debian/
Johnny Jacob [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://johnnyjacob.org

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