Aaron Ecay <aarone...@gmail.com> writes: > I count roughly 50 commands in sections 3.7.1 – 3.7.6 of the > biblatex user’s manual (version 2.9a of 24/06/2014). Some of these > are quite esoteric, of course, but they are all provided.
There are many commands (and even more private commands are possible) in order to help reproducing all the various citation styles out there. The critical question for org and org users is: How many different citation commands are needed in a single document (or needed by a single author within all her documents)? If no single author ever needs more than about a dozen different commands (including variations like the genetive versions), the [cite:subcommand ...] syntax should suffice. > By way of illustration, Biblatex (AFAICT) doesn’t provide a > possessive citation command, which was mentioned by someone in this > thread (or its predecessor) as a desideratum. I’d expect a savvy > latex user to put in their preamble: > \newcommand{\citeposs}[1]{\citeauthor{#1}’s (\citeyear{#1})} This is what the subcommand is for. An author may define "poss" as a subcommand and use [cite:poss ...]. Then all the nice gimmicks will still work. -- Until the next mail..., Stefan.