
Nicolas Goaziou <m...@nicolasgoaziou.fr> writes:

>> That would be wonderful!  Will you publish a patch or, better, a branch
>> somewhere, even if it's not ready for master?
> I created a new branch: "wip-cite". It introduces support for @key
> [@key] [cite:pre @key post] and [(cite):pre @key post] constructs.

Cool.  I'll check it out.

> However, opinion from advanced citation users on this ML has more weight
> that mine. Instead of trying to figure out hypothetical crazy uses for
> citations (e.g., using 50 different citation commands), I'd rather hear
> from people with real citation requirements who are willing to use this
> machinery.

I use a similar setup and beside the above I use citeauthor a lot.
Cite/(cite) covers something like 80% of my needs, but (later) I think
something like org-cite-add-new-subtype should be there.  With a nice API.
Or we can add a couple of more subtypes.

> At this point, we probably need to implement a BIBLIOGRAPHY keyword
> (files) and BIBLIOGRAPHY_BACKEND (bibtex, zotero, jabref...) and provide
> basic tools to handle citations in an Org document.

Probably a CITATION_STYLE as well, e.g. "numeric", "author-year", etc.

I'll try to look at biblatex support for ox-latex, which should be the
easiest target, but ATM I'm a bit busy.  For bibtex-outside-of-latex,
reftex-cite.el is decent, but not great¹.  Still, it may be easier to fix
it up that to write our own bibtex parser.  

Or did John already solve this problem?  Perhaps, org-bibtex offer good
support for parsing data?

Note, something like author-parsing is non-trivial, since bibtex both
support firstname lastname and lastname, firstname.  Further, for
author-year style, you'd sometimes want to support no. of authors (see %a
in reftex-format-citation).

I have noticed tex4ht manages to do "proper" citations in odt.  Perhaps we
can study the resulting xml and how it adds a entries.  Formatting is
tricky...  Perhaps only zotero is useful here.

Latexml has some support for bibtex in html, but I haven't studied it
properly.  In any case for author-year html is "easy" up to the point of
creating the bibliography (as with odt).


¹   E.g. if curly brackets are not removed from year it will
    include it, it only understands "lastname, firstname" for author (not
    "firstname lastname") etc.

The Kids call him Billy the Saint

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