Aloha Aaron, Aaron Ecay <> writes:
> Hi Tom, > > 2015ko martxoak 2an, "Thomas S. Dye"-ek idatzi zuen: >> >> Aloha Aaron, >> >> Aaron Ecay <> writes: >> >>> By way of illustration, Biblatex (AFAICT) doesn’t provide a possessive >>> citation command, which was mentioned by someone in this thread (or its >>> predecessor) as a desideratum. I’d expect a savvy latex user to put in >>> their preamble: >>> >>> \newcommand{\citeposs}[1]{\citeauthor{#1}’s (\citeyear{#1})} >>> >>> That doesn’t really work in org. (It could be put together with an org >>> macro, but would lose the kind of click-to-view functionality that >>> org-ref already provides and which would be ported to the new syntax as >>> well.) >> >> #+name: define-citeposs-link >> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent :exports none >> (org-add-link-type >> "citeposs" 'ebib-open-org-link >> (lambda (path desc format) >> (cond >> ((eq format 'html) >> (format "(<cite>%s</cite>)" path)) >> ((eq format 'latex) >> (format "\\citeauthor{%s}'s (\\citeyear{%s})" path path))))) >> #+end_src >> >> I haven't tested this, but I think it would work in Org mode. > > The main thrust of this thread, and the previous one, has been to > define a citation syntax in org. I don’t think anyone contests that > link-based solutions basically do the trick for Latex (only). And > yet, (almost?) everyone has agreed that something more is needed, or > at least inevitable. So I’m puzzled why you brought this up. > > Are you trying to argue for subtype-based citations? This is what I > infer from your messages (not just this one, and please do correct me if > I’m wrong). If so, it would make it easier for me to understand you if > you said so outright. My own opinion is that plists are better than > subtypes, but I’ve also said that I don’t think the correct decision can > be made a priori. So don’t let me stop you (in general, not just Tom) > from going ahead with an implementation of subtypes, if that’s your > preferred solution. I would like to help out with coding or testing, > though I haven’t yet been able to figure out where my efforts would be > best applied. So if there’s something you (again, in general) think > would be helpful, don’t hesitate to ask. I'm not able to understand the full implications of subtypes vs. plists, so don't have a preferred solution along those lines. I brought this up in reaction to "This doesn't really work in org." I'm hoping for an Org mode citation syntax where there is an analogous org-add-cite-type function, so I only have to remember the syntax one time and can forget about it when I'm writing. Sorry if this is noise and thanks for your patience. All the best, Tom -- Thomas S. Dye