On 2015-01-22, at 23:46, Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> wrote:

> Fine with me!
> Neven, whom I have exchange a couple of private emails with, is free to
> distribute his software as he see fit.  What I explicitly quoted as being
> uncomfortable was the association between his product with *org-mode*.
> Note, the tag-line on Neven's site was something like "org-mode for
> Android" up until this discussion.

Did not know that; sorry for not doing my homework.  Of course, calling
this "org-mode for Android" or similarly *is* unacceptable, for obvious

> I'm sure everybody is excited that his program is working with the *org
> format*!

Apparently, not everybody.  But not everybody has to, of course.

>> Then others come and say some, ekhm, not-extremely-nice things to
>> someone who was definitely not trolling or anything like this.
> We should strive to keep the org-list friendly and civilized.

That's what I'm saying (see also my response to the Greg's email).

>> Let us further assume that he will sell his book in bookstores (it might
>> be in ebook form, with or without DRM, or in paper form - never mind, I
>> do not know the exact details).  Would he be prohibited from mentioning
>> his project (which clearly involves a non-free piece of *software*,
>> i.e., the LaTeX source file, and promotes the *result* of executing this
>> piece of code) on Emacs mailing list?  I am very interested in a serious
>> answer, and (if it happens to be "no") in explanation how and why the
>> situation would be different.
> First, I don't have strong opinions on this.  However, as I recall there's
> a passage on articles vs software in Free as in Freedom 2.0:
>     http://shop.fsf.org/product/free-as-in-freedom-2/

TL;DR, sorry - it is several hundred pages long, and I have a huge
backlog of books (technical, non-fiction and fiction).  I might add this
to the list.

> —Rasmus


Marcin Borkowski
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Adam Mickiewicz University

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