Scott Randby <> writes:

> On 01/22/2015 05:02 PM, Marcin Borkowski wrote:
>> Now the question is: what is the most appropriate place to *inform*
>> about his project.  If not the Org-mode discussion list, I really don't
>> know.  (I assume that nobody denies his *right* to license his work
>> according to his wishes, of course, for if not, another explanation
>> would be that this project doesn't have any right to *exist* in the
>> first place.)
> Since we cannot view the code of this software, then we have no way of
> determining before we use it if it has any purpose other than its
> stated purpose. For all we know, it contains some nasty code that
> takes over your system and deletes all of your files or worse.
> To trust this software because the developer seems to have good
> intentions is foolish. When I saw the announcement, I interpreted it
> as saying this: "Gee, here is some neat software I wrote. You can't
> see the code, but trust me, I'm good. I'll open up part of the code
> maybe sometime, but for now you can try it out for free. I'm not going
> to cut you off later and make you pay to continue using this wonderful
> thing. And no, it doesn't do anything bad like steal information or
> trash systems. Trust me." No thanks, I say. Promote this somewhere
> else.

I just want to state here that not everybody feels the same as you.



> Scott Randby

Rainer M. Krug
email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
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