Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:

> "Newcomers" ain't stupid.

I never said that.

However, here is an historical data point. SCHEDULED, DEADLINE and
CLOSED keywords, aka planning info, are not included as properties in
properties drawer so newcomers do not encounter invisible contents for
such basic tasks.

This is the same logic here.

> My guess is it would feel very intuitive to be able to repeat e.g.

M-RET is a good fit for almost anything. That's all the problem.

As far as UI goes, I think we should prevent some keybindings from being
context sensitive. This is particularly true for those related to core
features (outliner, agenda, TODO list). Why ? Because basic Org features
should ideally be very simple to use.

Org is mostly geared towards "power users". The feature you're
implementing is also for "power users". However, /any/ user should be
able to master the core features in 5 minutes.

> But "* #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{foo}" or whatever is possibly the
> most useless headline in the history of Org. . .

Who knows? It depends on the context, on the next commands (e.g. C-o)...

Hitting "B" key at

  #+|LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{foo}

is as useless. Nevertheless, I suppose you don't want to bind "B" key to
something else than `org-self-insert-command' here.

> Still, I think overload M-RET is more intuitive,

"Intuitiveness" is in the eye of the beholder... Maybe some users will
not find intuitive that M-RET usually inserts a headline... unless it is
in a plain list, in which case it inserts an item... oh wait, if it is
at a keyword it can duplicate it... but, wait, it doesn't happen for
every keyword... ah! and in source blocks it...

> but I fear our opinions will fail to converge.

If you want to convince me, show me that this binding makes Org simpler
to use, or, at least, equally simple. Until then, I stand on my ground.


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