Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:

>> Moreover, it can get in the way of expected M-RET behaviour, as in the
>> following example
>>   - item
>>   | #+caption: test
>>     untenrsiu
> I don't know if I should do something about this case.  I guess it would
> be possible, but I find it awkward when behavior $BUTTON depends not
> only on not only the adjacent element, but also the previous element.
> If it's important, I guess it should be toggled explicitly on by a
> custom variable.

M-RET, is, first and foremost, an important keybinding for editing the
/structure/ of the document. The behaviour you want to add has nothing
to do with structure.

As a consequence, I'm not sure it should go with M-RET, and if it does,
I'm pretty sure it should not override the main purpose of the binding.
Inserting headlines, and possibly items, is much more important than
duplicating keywords.

>> Also, you're not supposed to use `org-element--affiliated-re', as
>> suggested by the double hyphen. If you want to tell when point is at an
>> affiliated keyword, use
>>   (< (point) (org-element-property :post-affiliated element))
> That's a great tip in its own right, but actually I used
> `org-element--affiliated-re' for determining if point was "in"/"on" the
> keyword, as here:
>        #+CAPT|ION: foo

You need to check if either element has `keyword' type or if you're on
an affiliated keyword. If you ignore this, like you did, you end up
introducing false positives like

  #+begin: |something

> Anyway, I changed it to fixed regexp.  Presently, it's hardcoded.
> Should I introduce a new defvar or just live with the hardcodedness?

A defconst is preferable, IMO.

> Also, `org-insert-keyword' is not really using org-element anymore.

It should since you make it interactive and can, therefore, be called on
its own.

>>> +          ((and (eq type 'keyword)
>>> +                ;; Keyword such as LATEX, ATTR_LATEX, CAPTION, and HEADER,
>>> +                ;; LATEX_HEADER, LATEX etc. can occur multiple times.
>>> +                (let ((key (org-element-property :key element)))
>>> +                  (if (member key org-element-affiliated-keywords)
>>> +                      (member key org-element-multiple-keywords)
>>> +                    t)))
>> KEY cannot belong to `org-element-affiliated-keywords'.  See above.
> It test that *if* it's a member of `org-element-affiliated-keywords'
> then it should also be a member of `org-element-multiple-keywords'.

I was pointing out that your test was always false. Anyway, it doesn't
matter anymore since you changed that part.

Some comments follow:

> +      (indention
> +       (buffer-substring
> +        (line-beginning-position)
> +        (save-excursion
> +          (beginning-of-line)
> +          (skip-chars-forward " \t")
> +          (point))))

Another option:

  (ind (org-get-indentation))

Then, after inserting "\n",

  (org-indent-line-to ind)

> +      (keyword-re "#\\+\\(.+?\\):")
> +      (key (save-excursion (beginning-of-line)
> +                           (skip-chars-forward " \t")
> +                           (looking-at keyword-re)
> +                           (upcase (org-match-string-no-properties 1))))

As discussed above, this is too fragile.  You need to duplicate the
checks done in `org-meta-return' or refactor the code.

> +      (end-of-keyword (save-excursion
> +                        (beginning-of-line)
> +                        (re-search-forward keyword-re (line-end-position) t)
> +                        (point))))

  (end-of-keyword (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (search-forward ":"))

> +    (when key

I think end-of-keyword should be bound after KEY is checked to avoid

> +     (insert "\n"))
> +      (insert (concat indention (format "#+%s: " key)))

  (insert indentation (format "#+%s: " key))

> +            ((and
> +              (or (eq type 'keyword)
> +                  (<  (point) (org-element-property :post-affiliated 
> element)))
> +              (let ((key (save-excursion
> +                           (beginning-of-line)
> +                           (skip-chars-forward " \t")
> +                           (and (looking-at "#\\+\\(.+?\\):")

  "^[ \t]*#\\+\\(.+?\\):"

avoids the `skip-chars-forward' part.

> +                                (upcase (org-match-string-no-properties 
> 1))))))

Actually, you don't need `upcase' if you use `member-ignore-case' below.

> +                (and key
> +                     (or (not (member key org-element-affiliated-keywords))
> +                         (member key org-element-multiple-keywords)))))

See above.


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