Andreas Leha <> writes:

> Hi Rainer,
> Rainer M Krug <> writes:
>> Andrea Rossetti <> writes:
>>> Rainer M Krug <Rainer <at>> writes:
>>>> I would like to make three stars bold - is this possible? I have the
>>>> following table and at the moment, I get what is in the latex
>>>> column. But I would like to have what is in the last column.
>>>> | org             | latex                        | what I would like     |
>>>> | *3.96e-21 *** * | \textbf{3.96e-21 **} *       | \textbf{3.96e-21 ***} |
>>>> ...
>>>> Any suggestions?
>>> Hi! using the "pretty entity" \ast{} works for me in HTML and PDF:
>>> | *3.96e-21 \ast{}\ast{}\ast{}*  |
>>> Does it work for you too? Regards, Andrea
>> Thanks - it does, indeed. Strange that it works for both export
>> backends.
>> But there are a few formating issues with this:
>> 1) in tex, the spacing between two is different to the spacing between
>> three
>> 2) in html, the asterix are at the bottom and
>> 3) it is not very readable in org.
> To help with 3) have a look at 
> (esp. C-c C-x \)

Thanks - good point.


> Best,
> Andreas

Rainer M. Krug
email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
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