Andrea Rossetti <> writes:

> Rainer M Krug <Rainer <at>> writes:
>> I would like to make three stars bold - is this possible? I have the
>> following table and at the moment, I get what is in the latex
>> column. But I would like to have what is in the last column.
>> | org             | latex                        | what I would like     |
>> | *3.96e-21 *** * | \textbf{3.96e-21 **} *       | \textbf{3.96e-21 ***} |
>> ...
>> Any suggestions?
> Hi! using the "pretty entity" \ast{} works for me in HTML and PDF:
> | *3.96e-21 \ast{}\ast{}\ast{}*  |
> Does it work for you too? Regards, Andrea

Thanks - it does, indeed. Strange that it works for both export

But there are a few formating issues with this:

1) in tex, the spacing between two is different to the spacing between
2) in html, the asterix are at the bottom and
3) it is not very readable in org.




Rainer M. Krug
email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
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