["Cloud-note" to self (probably) or, preferably, someone else]

One "deficit" of unnumbered headlines in odt is that they are
indented.  This looks dumb!  Here's some notes on how I think is the
best way to get rid of the indention in ox-odt.

If this bothers someone, please go ahead and fix it!  Otherwise I
might look at it eventually. . .

Alan L Tyree <alanty...@gmail.com> writes:

> Also interesting [to note on unnumbered headlines in LO]: right
> click on the unnumbered headline. Go to Bullets and Numbering. Click
> on 'Remove' at the bottom and the headline jumps back into proper
> alignment.

Arh, so indention for unnumbered headlines can be removed!

Studying the xml files of LO it seems the mechanism is something like
this.  Basically, to get an unnumbered headline you have to specify it
as a list header.  This is what the current patch does and how LO does
it.  But the indention is caused by the fact that it's a list
header. To get rid of the indention one has to specify the list style
to be the empty style "" (empty quote). . .

So, for unnumbered headlines, append text:is-list-header="true" to the
text:h specification.  Example: 

<text:h text:style-name="Heading_20_1" text:outline-level=1 

To get it unindented we need to add


To the style.  LO does this by generating PN, N is an int, styles on
the fly that are derived from Heading styles:

<style:style style:name="P2" style:family="paragraph" 
style:parent-style-name="Heading_20_1" style:list-style-name=""/>

In Org, I think the easiest thing to do would be to add these styles
to the styles.xml file and choose the right style based on whether
headline is numbered or not numbered. . .  Unfortunately, it seems we
cannot just add style:list-style-name="" to the end of the style
definition of Heading_20_N as this kills the number.



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