Could you give a few snippets of examples -- what the org files with tags look 
like, what the result looks like? I'm interested because I also use Org to do 
my budgeting and finances. 

Eike <> writes:

> Hello there,
> I thought to share a little elisp thingy that I wrote to track my
> expenses with org. I use the org's capture mechanism to add expense
> items to some files and the following code only searches through all
> these files and creates summaries of all found expenses. It is possible
> to search by date, tags etc.
> You can have a look here:
> Regards,
> Eike
> --
> gpg: AD7AC35E
> finger print: 137F BB0B 1639 D25F DC5D  E59C B412 C5F5 AD7A C35E

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