Sure. An "expense item" is a headline with a property drawer that has a
property where the key is some currency code (other headlines are
ignored). Then tags can be applied to this headline. A category is
either specified via CATEGORY property or the parent headline is used
(if present).

The org files may look like this

* some headline that is a category by default
** expense item 1                 :atag:
   :CHF: 25.00
   :date: [2014-09-20]
** expense item 2                 :anothertag:
   :CHF: 21.00
   :date: [2014-09-20]

The "expense view" gives a summary of these items and the items itself
as a org table (there also is a screenshot

#+TITLE: Expenses [2014-08-01 Fr] - [2014-08-31 So]
#+STARTUP: showeverything

Search: ~(:date "2014-08")~
Showing *7* items

* Overview
** Summary
| Curr. |    sum |    max |   min | count |   avg |
| CHF   | 532.98 | 349.99 | 10.00 |     6 | 88.83 |
| EUR   |  15.99 |  15.99 | 15.99 |     1 | 15.99 |

** Categories
|               |    sum |    max |   min | count |    avg |
| Bücher CHF    |  49.99 |  39.99 | 10.00 |     2 |  25.00 |
| Bücher EUR    |  15.99 |  15.99 | 15.99 |     1 |  15.99 |
| Sonstiges CHF | 426.49 | 349.99 | 20.00 |     3 | 142.16 |
| Work CHF      |  56.50 |  56.50 | 56.50 |     1 |  56.50 |

** Monthly
|             |    sum |    max |   min | count |   avg |
| 2014/08 CHF | 532.98 | 349.99 | 10.00 |     6 | 88.83 |
| 2014/08 EUR |  15.99 |  15.99 | 15.99 |     1 | 15.99 |

* Items
| :item     | :category | :date           |   :CHF |  :EUR |
| Buch1     | Bücher    | [2014-08-31 So] |        | 15.99 |
| Cellphone | Sonstiges | [2014-08-30 Sa] | 349.99 |       |
| Pizza     | Sonstiges | [2014-08-29 Fr] |  20.00 |       |
| Buch2     | Bücher    | [2014-08-26 Di] |  10.00 |       |
| Cablecom  | Sonstiges | [2014-08-25 Mo] |  56.50 |       |
| Cablecom  | Work      | [2014-08-25 Mo] |  56.50 |       |
| Buch2     | Bücher    | [2014-08-01 Fr] |  39.99 |       |

It's just counting and summing the items, nothing more. It's not doing
accounting or anythingmore complicated, if you had this in mind.


Tory S. Anderson writes:

> Could you give a few snippets of examples -- what the org files with tags 
> look like, what the result looks like? I'm interested because I also use Org 
> to do my budgeting and finances.
> Eike <> writes:
>> Hello there,
>> I thought to share a little elisp thingy that I wrote to track my
>> expenses with org. I use the org's capture mechanism to add expense
>> items to some files and the following code only searches through all
>> these files and creates summaries of all found expenses. It is possible
>> to search by date, tags etc.
>> You can have a look here:
>> Regards,
>> Eike
>> --
>> gpg: AD7AC35E
>> finger print: 137F BB0B 1639 D25F DC5D  E59C B412 C5F5 AD7A C35E

gpg: AD7AC35E
finger print: 137F BB0B 1639 D25F DC5D  E59C B412 C5F5 AD7A C35E

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