> I know that I could use org-babel-load-file, or outshine. What are > other possibilities? What are the caveats (and advantages) of both > (other?) ways?
I'm using a one .el file per mode approach, with around 4000 lines split into 40 files. This approach simplifies things a lot: for instance I haven't touched Javascript in ages, but all my customizations for it are sitting in javascript.el without getting in the way of the stuff that I'm using now. They aren't even loaded unless I open a js file. The rest of my codes are published and I just use them via MELPA. I use my own package to navigate and maintain code (https://github.com/abo-abo/lispy). Here's a short screencast if you haven't seen it before: https://vimeo.com/86894158. regards, Oleh