On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 3:30 AM, Rainer M Krug <rai...@krugs.de> wrote:

> If I understand you correctly, you are using Vagrant to develop your code
> and to generate the release - that is a good idea. But isn't this an
> overkill in the case of the context here? org (and emacs) should be
> stable enough to tangle the same .el file from an .org file
> (irrespective of whitespace and comments which do not influence the
> functional aspects).

Perhaps. The third alternative that for some inexplicable reason that
I failed to include was the generation of a "light weight" .emacs.el
that I use exclusively for tangling. When I configure my .emacs.el I
build two of them, one for doing everything, and one just for
tangling. I had to do so because an unrelated package that I use was
screwing up org's export. Indeed things are probably stable enough, I
just have been burned enough on other software systems that I at least
have to worry about it :).

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