Brett Viren <> writes:

> Nick Dokos <> writes:
>> One more (half-)possibility is as follows: produce the tex file and
>> compile it not with pdflatex, but with plain latex, producing a DVI
>> file. Passing the -src option to the latex invocation inserts "source
>> specials" into the DVI file that some DVI viewers (in particular, xdvi)
>> can interpret to jump back from the DVI view to the (approximate)
>> corresponding location in the tex file:
>>       latex --shell-escape -src foo.tex
>>       xdvi foo.dvi
> Okay, here is a crazy idea.  Maybe one can use hyperref and place \url{}
> and/or \href{}{} macros in the org file.  These will turn into clickable
> links in the final PDF.  In them place URLs that look like:

I like the idea of reverse links - could be a nice addition when

>   file:///path/to/foo.tex.orglink?line=42
> And then use .mailcap (or whatever MIME config that xpdf/evince/etc
> honors) to map the .orglink extension to a script that parses the URL
> (does that full URL get passed?) and invokes emacs to open foo.tex at
> line 42?

But jumping to the .org file would be the aim - right?

> If that much can be made to work (big if!) I see one problem in that the
> /path/to will break if the source is moved.

That would not be a problem, as this would primarily be a debugging /
draft feature.

> Chance of success: 10%

I guess higher?


> -Brett.

Rainer M. Krug
email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
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