On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 11:07:54AM +0100, Rainer M Krug wrote:
> Hi
> I am working on a longish document which will be converted to pdf, and I
> am doing debugging of scripts at the moment.
> Therefore I export the document to pdf, and look for errors there. Now I
> have to find the corresponding section in the org file - possible, but
> tedious.
> Would it be possibler to include reverse-lookup in org, so that I click
> in the pdf, and the cursor jumps to the position in the org document? I
> really like this feature when e.g. using LyX. 
> I have no idea how this could be implemented and if this would be
> difficult, but I think this could be a useful feature for longer documents.

I think this is only possible with synctex.  See this thread:

Hope this helps,


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