Le  mer. 08  janv. 2014  à 08:23:02  , Nick  Dokos <ndo...@gmail.com>  a
envoyé ce message:

>> I hope that is what you expected from me...
> Exactly. FWIW, it works fine for me, so it's not an org-mime (or oher
> org) problem.  It is probably a problem in your setup: it seems that you
> cannot generate latex fragment images.

Yes, I agree,  it is very probably a  problem in the setup of  my PC, in
the setup of gnus, 

> Create a file, foo.org say, and insert the above content:
> * This title
> should work
> But the following formula 
> $$ \neg \neg A \nvdash_{i} A $$
> should not. 
> Split the window and visit the *Messages* buffer in one of the
> windows. Then do C-c C-x C-l in the foo.org window (or what amounts to
> the same thing, M-x org-preview-latex-fragment). Does it fail? What does
> the *Messages* buffer say?
> Nick

C-c C-x C-l works fine: I see the equation image in the buffer. 

Here is the result of Messages buffer:

Loading reftex...done
Mark set
Creating images for entry...1
Process completed.
Creating images for entry...done.  Use `C-c C-c' to remove images.
byte-code: End of buffer

Maybe the  problem came  of building  another emacs-24.3  in /usr/local/
...   I   met  another   problem   with   that.   So   I  sudo   rm   -r
/usr/local/emacs-24.3/ and I am going to  make another check. I keep you



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