Joseph Vidal-Rosset <> writes:

> What is  easy for you in  one domain can  be hard for other  people, and
> conversely for other domains. 
> I'm back to Gnus  finally and I am going to give you  an example of what
> works and what does not work with my org-mime-htmlize...
> * This title
> should work
> But the following formula 
> $$ \neg \neg A \nvdash_{i} A $$
> should not. 
> Effectively : 
>  type="image/png"
> filename="/tmp/ltxpng/latex3088O8b_1791543855878815db07961548d62eeeb9ad27d0.png"
> disposition=inline
> id="<_tmp_ltxpng_latex3088O8b_1791543855878815db07961548d62eeeb9ad27d0.png>">
> provokes this message : mm-insert-file-contents: Opening input file:
> aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type,
> /tmp/ltxpng/latex3088O8b_1791543855878815db07961548d62eeeb9ad27d0.png
> I hope that is what you expected from me...

Exactly. FWIW, it works fine for me, so it's not an org-mime (or oher
org) problem.  It is probably a problem in your setup: it seems that you
cannot generate latex fragment images.

Create a file, say, and insert the above content:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
* This title

should work

But the following formula 

$$ \neg \neg A \nvdash_{i} A $$

should not. 
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Split the window and visit the *Messages* buffer in one of the
windows. Then do C-c C-x C-l in the window (or what amounts to
the same thing, M-x org-preview-latex-fragment). Does it fail? What does
the *Messages* buffer say?


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