This happens even with emacs -q. I've attached the odt file.

Christian Moe <> wrote:
>I cannot reproduce this bug. I copy-pasted the below code, exported
>Org 8.2.1 and opened the expected two-figure document in LibreOffice
>Does this happen with emacs -Q ?
>What do you see if you open up the content.xml of the .odt document?
>Christian Moe
>Tyler Smith writes:
>> Hi,
>> I'm new to org-babel, and having trouble with exporting to .odt. The
>> following file works. I can export to .odt no problem, the figure
>> shows up as expected:
>> +-----------
>> #+PROPERTY: header-args:R  :session rTest
>> #+BEGIN_SRC R :results graphics :file test1.jpg :exports both
>>   plot(1:10)
>> #+END_SRC
>> [[file:test1.jpg]]
>> +-----------
>> But if I add a second figure, and try to export to .odt, I get a
>> "Read-Error. Error reading file." error from LibreOffice. I can
>> to pdf no problem. Here's the problem file:
>> +-----------
>> #+PROPERTY: header-args:R  :session rTest
>> #+BEGIN_SRC R :results graphics :file test1.jpg :exports both
>>   plot(1:10)
>> #+END_SRC
>> [[file:test1.jpg]]
>> #+BEGIN_SRC R :results graphics :file test2.jpg :exports both
>> plot(10:1)
>> #+END_SRC
>> [[file:test2.jpg]]
>> +------------------
>> Thanks,
>> Tyler
>> Emacs
>> Org-mode 8.2.1
>> Debian Linux
>> LibreOffice

Attachment: /sdcard/test.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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