Hello, within the contrib/lisp-directory of org, org-favtable.el has been removed and replaced by its successor org-index.el. I would like to suggest, that anybody who is still using the old package org-favtable.el would make the same switch.
Besides beeing renamed, org-index.el has more features and less bugs than org-favtable.el. A version history is kept as comments in the file org-index.el itself, see: http://orgmode.org/w/org-mode.git?p=org-mode.git;a=blob_plain;f=contrib/lisp/org-index.el;hb=HEAD The transition should be smooth, because org-index.el is only a new release of the program, albeit with another name. To switch, simply edit your .emacs and rename the variable org-favtable-id into org-index-id. Please give me note, if there are any problems ! Best regards, Marc