Since August 17, I have not been able to create a combined icalendar file. I can create single file withe C-c C-e c f.
I can create multiple files with C-c C-e c a. But when I try C-c C-e c c, the process starts to save temp files and quietly dies. Output in messages looks like this: Saving file /tmp/orgics5457fkf... Wrote /tmp/orgics5457fkf (New file) Saving file /tmp/orgics5457sul... Wrote /tmp/orgics5457sul When I enable the debugger in options it does not trip when the process dies. There is an icalendar-errors buffer, but it is empty. I am using the following version of emacs on Debian Wheezy GNU Emacs (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw scroll bars) of 2013-08-22 on gkar, modified by Debian My org-mode version is as follows: Org-mode version 8.0.7 (release_8.0.7-415-g32bd54.dirty @ /home/billday/elisp/org-mode/lisp/) Any help or advice would be much appreciated. -- Bill Day