Is there a way to configure column order in clocktable output? I have a workable way to display TAGS now for clocked task now, but the width of multiply-tagged items will make the clocktable output less usable. I'd prefer to move it over to the right-most position:
: #+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 2 :scope file :emphasize nil :block today : :link nil :indent nil :properties ("TAGS") : #+CAPTION: Clock summary at [2013-08-31 Sat 09:25], : for Saturday, August 31, 2013. : | TAGS | Headline | Time | | : |-----------+----------------------------------------+--------+------| : | | *Total time* | *1:05* | | : |-----------+----------------------------------------+--------+------| : | | <2013-08-31 Sat> | 1:05 | | : | | TODO db query test | | 0:18 | : | | TODO time-tracking-tools | | 0:26 | : | :foo:bar: | DONE jsmith re: new idea | | 0:15 | : | :bar: | DONE article attack driven defense... | | 0:06 | : #+END: The option: : :formatter A function to format clock data and insert into the buffer. sounds promising if it could advise the existing function without reimplementing large parts of it. I'm searching for :formatter documentation and examples, haven't found any direct references yet. Secondary question: with the today and yesterday tracking clocktables I'm using, can I configure formatting of the string: "for Saturday, August 31, 2013." as a normal org timestamp: "for [2013-08-31 Sat]."? Thanks, Jeff