>   2. Install the JabRef plugin [Chicago Export filters for Org-mode].
>   [Chicago Export filters for Org-mode]
> http://repo.or.cz/w/JabRefChicagoForOrgmode.git/blob_plain/HEAD:/net.sf.jabref.export.Chicago.ODF(English)-1.2.jar

This is a port of Chicago plugin for JabRef.  Search for Chicago in the
below page.


There is a PDF file in there which I have copied over to 


    M-: org-jabref-export-formats

    => (("odt"
        ("Chicago Manual of Style (author-date)"
         :in-text "chicago.ODF.text" :bibliography

Remembers the layout filters are for RTF.  There are multiple formats in
that plugin.  But "text" and "reference" are the only filters I have
"fixed" (i.e, a dirty job) to get satisfactory XML output.  So if
someone is interested in other formats and willing to educate me on how
the ODT document should look like, let me know.

Here is some quick notes on that pdf file.

| Entry types   |
| article       |
| book          |
| conference    |
| electronic    |
| inproceedings |
| incollection  |
| masterthesis  |
| phdthesis     |
| unpublished   |

| System             | Parts                         | files                 |
| author-date        | reference list for            | Chicago.reference     |
|                    | complete list of sources      |                       |
|                    | text citations in parenthesis | Chicago.text          |
| notes and          | biblio for bibliographies     | Chicago.biblio        |
| bibliography       |                               |                       |
|                    | footend for footnotes         | Chicago.footend       |
|                    | and endnotes                  |                       |
|                    | footend short for subsequent  | Chicago.footend.short |
|                    | notes or works with           |                       |
|                    | full bibliographies           |                       |
| abstract and note  |                               | Chicago.abstract      |
| (follows notes and |                               | Chicago.note          |
| biblio style)      |                               |                       |

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