I have finalized the JabRef + ODT export. The changes can be pulled from my own repo at
HomePage: http://repo.or.cz/w/org-mode/org-kjn.git Pull URL: git://repo.or.cz/org-mode/org-kjn.git http://repo.or.cz/r/org-mode/org-kjn.git For purposes of quick testing, the files attached in the parent should be good enough. Here goes the commmit log. ox-odt: Add support for JabRef * contrib/lisp/ox-jabref.el: New file. * lisp/org.el (org-modules): Add ox-jabref. * etc/styles/OrgOdtStyles.xml (Bibliography_20_Heading) (Bibliography, OrgBibliographyList): New styles. * lisp/ox-odt.el (org-export-define-backend): New non-standard element `citation-reference'. Register `org-odt--translate-cite-fragments'. (org-odt--translate-cite-fragments): New filter. (org-odt-citation-transcoders): New user option. (org-odt-citation-reference, org-odt-citation-reference/numbered): Stock transcoders for `citation-reference' elements. (org-odt-keyword): Handle BIBLIOGRAPHY. (org-odt--export-wrap): Make the condition case debuggable. Also add autoloads for citation transcoders provided by ox-jabref.el. NOTE: Review all the above changes once ox.el provides standard tools for handling citaitons. ---------------------------------------------------------------- _______________ ORG-JABREF Jambunathan K _______________ Table of Contents _________________ 1 Quick start guide: 2 Developer (or Implementation) notes 1 Quick start guide: ==================== 1. Install [JabRef] This module is tested with version JabRef-2.9.2.jar. 2. Install the JabRef plugin [Chicago Export filters for Org-mode]. 3. Configure ox-jabref.el ,---- | M-x customize-group RET org-jabref RET `---- Review the settings. 4. Configure ox-odt.el ,---- | M-x customize-variable RET org-odt-citation-transcoders RET `---- Following settings are recommended. 1. No citation support ,---- | (setq org-odt-citation-transcoders | '(org-odt-latex-fragment . ignore)) `---- This is the default setting. - #+BIBLIOGRAPHY is ignored. - \cite{} directives are typeset as plain text. 2. Numeric Citations ,---- | (setq org-odt-citation-transcoders | '(org-odt-citation-reference/numbered | . org-jabref-odt-bibliography/numbered)) `---- - #+BIBLIOGRAPHY is replaced with numerical listing of Bibliographic entries. The listing includes only cited keys and is sorted on the order in which the cite keys are seen in the Org file. - \cite{} directives are replaced with numeric links to the associated Bibliographic entry. 3. Unnumbered (or Text) Citations with Filtered Bibliography ,---- | (setq org-odt-citation-transcoders | '(org-jabref-odt-citation-reference/text | . org-jabref-odt-bibliography/filtered)) `---- - #+BIBLIOGRAPHY is replaced with listing of Bibliographic entries. The listing is limited to just the cited keys. The listing is sorted based on the order chosen by JabRef engine. - \cite{} directives are replaced with textual links to the associated Bibliographic entry. 4. Unnumbered (or Text) Citations with Filtered Bibliography ,---- | (setq org-odt-citation-transcoders | '(org-jabref-odt-citation-reference/text | . org-jabref-odt-bibliography/unfiltered)) `---- - #+BIBLIOGRAPHY is replaced with listing of *all* Bibliographic entries. The listing is limited to just the cited keys. The listing is sorted based on the order chosen by JabRef engine. - \cite{} directives are replaced with textual links to the associated Bibliographic entry. 5. Add the following line to your Org file and export. ,---- | #+BIBLIOGRAPHY: MyLibrary.bib `---- [JabRef] http://jabref.sourceforge.net/ [Chicago Export filters for Org-mode] http://repo.or.cz/w/JabRefChicagoForOrgmode.git/blob_plain/HEAD:/net.sf.jabref.export.Chicago.ODF(English)-1.2.jar 2 Developer (or Implementation) notes ===================================== The current #+BIBLIOGRAPHY is defined in contrib/lisp/ox-bibtex.el. The syntax defined therein, is specific to a particular Citation Processor (i.e., bibtex2html) and cannot be expected to be honored by all backends AND citation processors[1]. 1. So having a "style" specification in a keyword line that is shared across all backends is absurd.[2] 2. It is unclear how well a "limit: " option can be honored by *ALL* citation processors. To keep things simple (and flexible), ox-jabref.el resorts to the following: 1. *Always* use the first found style registered for the current backend in `org-jabref-export-formats' 2. "Limit"-ed (or non-"limit"-ed) export of Bibliographic entries can be achieved by using a different transcoder. See ""Quick start guide" above. Footnotes _________ [1] Note that the same Citation Processor (for example, JabRef) can be used for catering to *both* HTML, ODT and even ASCII backends. [2] *If* one settles for Org-wide styles, a possible translation from Org-specific style to Citation-specific style needs to be done by each backend. This is the sole purpose of `org-jabref-export-formats'. Having an Org-wide styles is well-neigh impossible. In that case, the best option is to settle for a specification like ,---- | #+ATTR_HTML: :bib2html-style "plain" | #+ATTR_ODT: :jabref-style "Chicago (author-date)" | #+BIBLIOGRAPHY: MyLibrary.bib `---- Note the keywords in #+ATTR_BACKEND lines are prefixed with the Citation Processor. This is important in light of earlier comments [1].