[WIP/RFC] Bibliography support ODT + JabRef I need some quick feedback on how this works out. Look at the Org and ODT file and tell me to what extent it will suffice.
I am not interested in Org syntax at the moment. But I am willing to exchange notes with anyone who wants to "canonicalize" some Citation support in Org. For now, the keys are referenced with \cite{key1, key2} I am dumping 1. messages buffer. Shows how JabRef can be invoked on the command line. --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- Extracting Citation Reference (suzuki_studies_1998) Running java -jar /home/kjambunathan/Downloads/JabRef-2.9.2.jar -n true -m suzuki_studies_1998,jabref-16048-fF.xml,ooxml.reference MyLibrary.bib Extracting Citation Reference (blyth_zen_1966) Running java -jar /home/kjambunathan/Downloads/JabRef-2.9.2.jar -n true -m blyth_zen_1966,jabref-16048LqL.xml,ooxml.reference MyLibrary.bib Extracting Citation Reference (watts_way_1999) Running java -jar /home/kjambunathan/Downloads/JabRef-2.9.2.jar -n true -m watts_way_1999,jabref-16048Y0R.xml,ooxml.reference MyLibrary.bib --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8--- 2. JabRef's jstyle and layout files split out from the Jstyle. The jstyle is the one that comes with Jabref's OOplugin itself -> Default Style (numerical citations). The layout files were broken apart from the Jstyle for the purpose of org-odt export. The files may not be perfect but gets the job done.
* Some section This paragraph has some footnote references[fn:1] and cites some bibliographic references \cite{watts_way_1999,blyth_zen_1966}. There are more bibliographic references. \cite{suzuki_studies_1998}. Here I re-cite an earlier book \cite{watts_way_1999}. Here is another footnote.[fn:2] #+ATTR_ODT: :style custom #+BIBLIOGRAPHY: MyLibrary plain option:-d * Another section So on and so forth. * Footnotes [fn:1] This is a footnote. [fn:2] This is another footnote.
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
@misc{_101_????, title = {101 Zen Stories}, url = {http://www.101zenstories.com/}, urldate = {2013-06-10}, file = {101 Zen Stories:/home/kjambunathan/.mozilla/firefox/htr1myi9.default/zotero/storage/67EHBZZ6/www.101zenstories.com.html:text/html} }, @book{blyth_zen_1966, edition = {{1St} Edition}, title = {Zen and Zen Classics Volume 4 Mumonkan}, publisher = {The Hokuseido Press}, author = {Blyth, R. H.}, year = {1966} }, @book{watts_way_1999, title = {The Way of Zen}, isbn = {0375705104}, publisher = {Vintage}, author = {Watts, Alan W.}, month = jan, year = {1999} }, @misc{center_for_history_and_new_media_zotero_????, title = {Zotero Quick Start Guide}, url = {http://zotero.org/support/quick_start_guide}, author = {{Center for History and New Media}}, annote = {Welcome to {Zotero!View} the Quick Start Guide to learn how to begin collecting, managing, citing, and sharing your research {sources.Thanks} for installing Zotero.} }, @book{besserman_crazy_1991, title = {Crazy Clouds: Zen radicals, rebels, and reformers}, isbn = {9780877735434}, shorttitle = {Crazy Clouds}, language = {en}, publisher = {Shambhala}, author = {Besserman, Perle and Steger, Manfred}, month = may, year = {1991}, keywords = {Philosophy / General, Philosophy / Zen, Priests, Zen, Religion / Buddhism / General, Religion / Buddhism / Zen, Religion / General, Zen priests, Zen priests/ Biography} }, @misc{_believing_????, title = {{ON} {BELIEVING} {IN} {MIND} ({SHINJIN-NO-MEI)} by Seng-t'san}, url = {http://home.primusonline.com.au/peony/faith_in_mind.htm}, urldate = {2013-06-10}, file = {ON BELIEVING IN MIND (SHINJIN-NO-MEI) by Seng-t'san:/home/kjambunathan/.mozilla/firefox/htr1myi9.default/zotero/storage/SD4HNP5X/faith_in_mind.html:text/html} }, @book{suzuki_studies_1998, title = {Studies in Zen}, isbn = {0802216781}, publisher = {Chartwell Books {Inc.,U.S.}}, author = {Suzuki}, month = dec, year = {1998} }, @misc{_gateless_????, title = {The Gateless Gate Index}, url = {http://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/glg/index.htm}, urldate = {2013-06-10}, file = {The Gateless Gate Index:/home/kjambunathan/.mozilla/firefox/htr1myi9.default/zotero/storage/WWH3MDSG/index.html:text/html} }, @book{blyth_zen_1970, title = {Zen and Zen classics}, language = {en}, publisher = {Hokuseido Press}, author = {Blyth, Reginald Horace}, year = {1970}, keywords = {Philosophy / Zen, Religion / Buddhism / General, Religion / Buddhism / Zen, Zen Buddhism} }, @book{blofeld_zen_1994, edition = {First Evergreen Edition}, title = {The Zen Teaching of Huang-Po: On the Transmission of Mind}, isbn = {0802150926}, shorttitle = {The Zen Teaching of Huang-Po}, publisher = {Grove Press}, translator = {Blofeld, John Eaton Calthorpe}, month = jan, year = {1994} }, @book{blofeld_zen_1994-1, edition = {First Evergreen Edition}, title = {The Zen Teaching of Huang-Po: On the Transmission of Mind}, isbn = {0802150926}, shorttitle = {The Zen Teaching of Huang-Po}, publisher = {Grove Press}, translator = {Blofeld, John Eaton Calthorpe}, month = jan, year = {1994} }
<text:span text:style-name="Bold">\format[Authors(LastFirst,Semicolon)]{\author}</text:span> (<text:span text:style-name="Bold">\year\uniq</text:span>). <text:span text:style-name="Emphasis">\title</text:span>, \journal \volume\begin{pages} : \format[FormatPagesForHTML]{\pages}\end{pages}.
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# Written by Morten O. Alver. # This file is licensed under the terms of the GPL version 2 (or later). NAME Example style file for JabRef-oo plugin. JOURNALS Journal name 1 Journal name 2 PROPERTIES Title="References" IsSortByPosition="true" IsNumberEntries="true" ReferenceParagraphFormat="Text body" ReferenceHeaderParagraphFormat="Heading 2" CITATION BracketBefore="[" BracketAfter="]" BracketBeforeInList="[" BracketAfterInList="] " CitationSeparator="; " UniquefierSeparator="," GroupedNumbersSeparator="-" MinimumGroupingCount="3" FormatCitations="false" CitationCharacterFormat="Default" PageInfoSeparator="; " LAYOUT article=<b>\format[Authors(LastFirst,Semicolon)]{\author}</b> (<b>\year\uniq</b>). <i>\title</i>, \journal \volume\begin{pages} : \format[FormatPagesForHTML]{\pages}\end{pages}. book=\format[Authors(LastFirst,Semicolon)]{\author}\begin{editor}\format[AuthorLastFirst,AuthorAbbreviator,AuthorAndsReplacer]{\editor} (Ed.)\end{editor}, <b>\year\uniq</b>. <i>\title</i>. \publisher, \address. incollection=\format[Authors(LastFirst,Semicolon)]{\author} (<b>\year\uniq</b>). <i>\title</i>. In: \format[AuthorLastFirst,AuthorAbbreviator,AuthorAndsReplacer]{\editor} (Ed.), <i>\booktitle</i>, \publisher. inbook=\format[Authors(LastFirst,Semicolon)]{\author} (<b>\year\uniq</b>). <i>\chapter</i>. In: \format[AuthorLastFirst,AuthorAbbreviator,AuthorAndsReplacer]{\editor} (Ed.), <i>\title</i>, \publisher. phdthesis=\format[Authors(LastFirst,Semicolon)]{\author} (<b>\year\uniq</b>). <i>\title</i>, \school. default=\format[Authors(LastFirst,Semicolon)]{\author} (<b>\year\uniq</b>). <i>\title</i>, \journal \volume\begin{pages} : \format[FormatPagesForHTML]{\pages}\end{pages}.