Jambunathan K writes:

I am able to convert the same file on my home laptop with org-version

Nonetheless, I tried it with this minimal file:
#+STARTUP: showeverything

* Heading 1

  1. Item 1

starting emacs with emacs -Q I am getting this error:
Loading term/xterm...done
For information about GNU Emacs and the GNU system, type C-h C-a.
kmacro-call-macro: No kbd macro has been defined
Making completion list... [2 times]
Export buffer: 
Debug (org-odt): Searching for OpenDocument schema files...
Debug (org-odt): Trying 
Debug (org-odt): No OpenDocument schema files installed
Debug (org-odt): Searching for OpenDocument styles files...
Debug (org-odt): Trying /usr/pkg/share/emacs/24.2/lisp/etc/styles/...
Debug (org-odt): Trying /usr/pkg/share/emacs/24.2/lisp/org/etc/styles/...
Debug (org-odt): Trying /usr/pkg/share/emacs/24.2/etc/org/...
Debug (org-odt): Using styles under /usr/pkg/share/emacs/24.2/etc/org/
Exporting to ODT using org-lparse...
Using vacuous schema
org-babel-exp processing... [2 times]
org-odt-format-source-code-or-example-colored: Symbol's function definition is 
void: copy-seq
byte-code: Beginning of buffer [16 times]

> (New file)
> It may have something to do with what you have in your Org file.  Try
> "minimizing" your Org file one by one until you find where the problem
> is.

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