Tim Hawes <haw...@anx.com> writes:

> I am running Emacs 24.2 (installed from a bootstrapped pkgsrc) on Ubuntu
> Linux 12.04
> When I try to convert my org doc to odt format, it fails. I have tried
> two different versions of org-mode. Version 7.8.11 that comes with Emacs
> 24.2 and the latest from GNU Emacs Elpa 8.0.5
> This is the *Messages* buffer from org-version 7.8.11:
> http://pastebin.com/pFv8xZEk
> and from 8.0.5:
> http://pastebin.com/cYGRi2qM
> I have tried both from completely stripped .emacs files, and getting the
> same errors. I have an Ubuntu laptop at home with the same setup and no
> issues in converting org docs to odt.

First, try with "emacs -Q".
Second, can you post a minimal example org file that has this problem?
: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.0.5-326-g325e40

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