Achim Gratz <> writes:

> Eric Schulte writes:
>>>> My vote is for adding #+name support to call lines, and then handling
>>>> their results in the same manner as code block results.
>> Achim Gratz <> writes:
>>> I'm not sure what this would entail other than replacing the call with
>>> its arguments with the name of the call in the results line.  But yes,
>>> that'd be a step forward, although you'd have to be careful when copying
>>> calls.
>> This could work exactly as named source blocks work.  E.g.,
> [...]
> I see.  The problem then really is that #+CALL lines are currently
> "implicitly named" by copying their arguments to the results line.  If
> explicit naming is allowed, this implicit naming should go away or at
> least not be the default, IMHO.


I've just pushed up a patch which implements this change.  Call lines
should now work exactly as named code blocks providing clarity,
uniformity and the flexibility to run multiple identical call lines.

#+name: bar
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp 

#+call: bar()

: :baz

#+call: bar()

: :baz

#+name: foo
#+call: bar()

#+RESULTS: foo
: :baz

#+name: foo2
#+call: bar()

#+RESULTS: foo2
: :baz

#+name: foo
#+call: bar()

Eric Schulte

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