> I am sorry, I wanted to say that I want to do something like
> (note: not current behavior)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> #+NAME: i_am_curious_how_this_works
> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
>   (format "%s" org-babel-current-src-block-location)
> #+CALL: i_am_curious_how_this_works()
> #+RESULTS: i_am_curious_how_this_works()
> : #<marker at 124 in tmp.org>
> #+CALL: i_am_curious_how_this_works()
> #+RESULTS: i_am_curious_how_this_works()
> : #<marker at 236 in tmp.org>
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> and would like the yet to be defined solution in discussion here to
> make also this possible,

If we do add #+names to call lines, and have them adopt the existing
code block result behavior, then the above will work without

>> Currently if you want have separate results for call lines with the same
>> variables you will need to use a dummy variable.
> Ok, this answers one of my questions in the other thread and confirms
> my expectation. Does it mean that my patch with the ERT as of
> 2013-06-19 from the other thread is ok for now and can be applied just
> to reflect what is currently supported? Or should I change something
> else in the patch?

Yes, I've just applied this patch.  Sorry for the delay.


Eric Schulte

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