Torsten Wagner <> writes:

> * Creating exams sheets (technical exams at university level, pictures,
> equations, large exercises with subitems)

Yeah you can do it.  Randomization can be done with some LaTeX
package, or you could probably easily do it with Babel. 

> * Help for exam evaluation

Tables or code.

> * Scoring system
> * Mark system

Tables or code.

> * Creation of result sheets and diagrams
> * Creation of solution sheets


> I would be glad if I can create a little automation into this, to help me
> with the amount of exams. E.g. scoring could result in marking according to
> a translate table, Exam sheets should allow easy evaluation e.g. students
> fill answers in allocated spaces, there are places to write down scores,
> etc.

Sure; it can be done.

> Other details would be nice to have but not yet important. E.g. I like the
> idea that name and ID number of students are written on the top right
> corner of the sheet which gets wrapped (and stapled) thus, evaluation
> happens complete anonymous. Definition of an evaluation sheet, which
> precisely describes which results return how many scores, etc.

Possible as well.

> Would love to hear how other use org-mode to deal with that task.
> Alternatively, if you use or would use another software please let me know.

In general you can do whatever you want with a combination of Org
babel plus your favorite language, the spreadsheet (Emacs Cacl) and
perhaps a custom exporter.


Enough with the bla bla!

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