
I need a system which can deal with about 100-150 written exams/semester. I
was wondering if org-mode can be used to do that.
What I want:

* Creating exams sheets (technical exams at university level, pictures,
equations, large exercises with subitems)
* Help for exam evaluation
* Scoring system
* Mark system
* Creation of result sheets and diagrams
* Creation of solution sheets

I would be glad if I can create a little automation into this, to help me
with the amount of exams. E.g. scoring could result in marking according to
a translate table, Exam sheets should allow easy evaluation e.g. students
fill answers in allocated spaces, there are places to write down scores,
Other details would be nice to have but not yet important. E.g. I like the
idea that name and ID number of students are written on the top right
corner of the sheet which gets wrapped (and stapled) thus, evaluation
happens complete anonymous. Definition of an evaluation sheet, which
precisely describes which results return how many scores, etc.

Would love to hear how other use org-mode to deal with that task.
Alternatively, if you use or would use another software please let me know.



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