
AW <alexander.will...@t-online.de> writes:

> isn't that quite a contradiction: according to org-syntax tables can not 
> contain lists, but orgtbl-to-latex treats "1." inside a table as if it were a 
> beginning of a list?

Of course it is a contradiction. As, I wrote it, "orgtbl-to-latex"
interprets Org syntax differently, since it doesn't rely on Elements.

> Besides that, thank you for your code, but as my MEW showed, I use things 
> like 
> :splice t . In fact, I do splice nearly every orgtbl into a frame on the 
> LaTeX-side.

Take 2. We can implement back :splice property. The others are much less

  (defun orgtbl-to-latex (table params)
    "Convert the orgtbl-mode TABLE to LaTeX.
  TABLE is a list, each entry either the symbol `hline' for
  a horizontal separator line, or a list of fields for that line.
  PARAMS is a property list of parameters that can influence the
  conversion.  Currently this function recognizes the following

  :splice    When set to t, return only table body lines, don't wrap
             them into a \"tabular\" environment.  Default is nil."
    (require 'ox-latex)
    (let ((table-string (orgtbl-to-orgtbl table nil)))
      (if (not (plist-get params :splice))
          (org-export-string-as table-string 'latex t '(:with-tables t))
        ;; If :splice is non-nil, we create a temporary back-end,
        ;; `latex-tmp', derived from `latex', but with a transparent
        ;; table translator.
        (let ((org-export-registered-backends org-export-registered-backends))
          (org-export-define-derived-backend 'latex-tmp 'latex
            :translate-alist (list (cons 'table (lambda (e c i) c))))
          (org-export-string-as table-string 'latex-tmp t '(:with-tables t))))))



Nicolas Goaziou

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